Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sit-spurring thoughts.

This weekend was the first in probably the first in months that i was given the chance to just sit. Sit, eat lots of food, and watch episode upon another of Friends with good ole Becky Nagl. There is something about being with this girl that always inspires me to create lists of goals to accomplish or conclude thoughts that have been stirring in my mind for awhile. Its probably because whenever we get to hangout, thats all we do, hang. I do not recall any other person that i just "do nothing" with. We took at trip last March to Florida and all we did was lay by the water and take rides in the convertible.....

I often times get so wrapped up in the fast pace that my life likes to take, that i lose track of my short term aspirations. This weekend i took the time to buy a new journal and compile a list that i will attack in 365 days and agreed to blog about as to keep me on the accountibility track. I tried to think realistically and make my goals attainable. They go as follows (in no specific order):
1. Rescue a dog
2. See the "Rocky Horror Picture Show" at the Oriental
3. Read the Harry Potter series
4. Learn to cook Korean and Ethiopian foods
5. Create a Pulmonary Hypertension fundraiser
6. Froelick in a field of sunflowers
7. Start Yoga
8. Visit Danielle Mode and Becky Nagl in wherever their traveling nursing careers may take them
9. Drink beer at the Hofbrauhaus during Oktoberfest
10. Jog a 5K
11. Attend Circ de Soleil
12. Write a letter/email to a random friend a week
13. Find a new church
14. Get a new grill
15. Take a massage therapy class
16. Hike at 8 State Forrests/Natl. Parks

so hear me out and ask me how "the list" is going once in awhile- i need some reinforcement from time to time.

Ready, set, go!!! :)
(see video below for some motivation)

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